Our Vision

Sharing Life – Bringing Hope Simple words to say… challenging words to live.

When we formed Emmanne Ministries in 2013, we did not realize how powerful these four words would be to our vision and direction of this ministry.

Emmanne was created to share life together, both Kenyan and American. It takes the creativity, ingenuity and passion of both cultures, working together to bring a Jesus-loving approach to all that we do. It is challenging to carry out, but we passionately believe that without both sets of ideas, our work will fall flat and miss God’s Kingdom perspective in the effort.

Emmanne was created to bring hope to people in our communities. We feel so blessed and loved by God, and we want to give that blessing to others. We share this message of love in words and deeds. The resulting evidence of God's hand on Theri and Oloitokitok will be in things such as a thriving church community, better schools, a community health clinic, a children's home, job creation, and a partnership with local farming and industry.

A little note about practicing what we preach - We are comprised of two non-profits. Solid Rock Foundation, our non-profit in Kenya, is run by our Kenyan board members. Emmanne Ministries is the American non-profit counterpart, run by our American board members. All financial and visionary decisions are approved by our boards.